by Funfere Koroye
You shall have no other gods before me. — Moremi of Liberty
The Moremi of Liberty. 2023. 12x4x4 inches, Concrete/PLA/Plaster
In my artistic voyage, I have been drawn to the enigmatic connection between the phrase "You shall have no other gods before me" and the simultaneous veneration of money and the humble cowrie shell. This ancient commandment from the Bible, originating in the Book of Exodus, serves as a thought-provoking departure point for my recent body of work, inviting exploration of the complex relationship between materialism, spirituality, and the symbolism of the cowrie.
In many cultures across time, the cowrie shell has been utilized as a form of currency, a symbol of wealth, and a representation of prosperity. Its shimmering beauty and inherent scarcity have led to its transformation into a sacred object, carrying with it a divine aura. In juxtaposition to this, the commandment underscores the dangers of placing material pursuits, such as wealth, before spiritual devotion.
Through my figurine, I endeavor to bridge the chasm between these seemingly contradictory concepts. I employ diverse artistic mediums and techniques to evoke a sense of reverence for the cowrie as both a symbol of prosperity and a reminder of the divine commandment's call for spiritual purity. My work explores the intersection of monetary ambition and the deeper values that guide our lives.
Funfere Koroye is an Afrobrutalist 3Dimensinal Visual Artist based between London and Lagos. His figurines, sculptures, and products are inspired by Traditional Nigerian craftsmanship, Colonial Diasporic iconography, and Contemporary Eurocentric renaissance.
Studio Koroye is an emerging design atelier by Funfere Koroye; currently based in the UK and Nigeria. Our work is at the intersection of PHYGITAL (digital and physical) products, by emphasizing and utilizing his FATE - Fine Art, Tech & Engineering.
At the moment we are currently using a 2023 DYCP grant to create a new series of aesthetic and utilitarian objects for galleries and homes.