Autumn 2023
Also available as an audio issue and by podcast
Finding the Seed within Decay | Caroline Langston
How to Walk in Space: Untethering & How to Walk in Space: 3:35AM Dec 9, 2022 | Joel Peckham
Yom Kippur in Boston & Grapes of Sukkot | Maxim D. Shrayer
from whence salvation | Jean Anne Feldeisen
When and If | David James
Between Slaughter and Exile | Edward A. Dougherty
Rembrandt's Good Samaritan, Then and Now | Adele Ne Jame
Autumn in Paris, Texas; Tennessee Camp Meeting, 1982; A Vagrant | Stephen M. Sanders
Madness | Brandon James O'Neil
In a Cloud & Wall Hanging | Chila Woychik
Prodigy of the Big Ones | Peter Carrington Venable
For the usher who served the Lord's Supper to my wife and daughter wearing a sidearm
Jonathan Frey
Gardens of Earth | Erica Waters
Less and More | Angela Townsend
Visual Art
Annunciation / Relics of Annunciation | Michelle J. Chun
Reverent Marvels | Maura H. Harrison
Visual Prayer: Visual Artist Lillian Richards
In Conversation with Emily Chambers Sharpe
Writing the Whale: A Review of Touching This Leviathan | Cheryl Sadowski
Growing Up, Barbie, and the Reclamation of Girlhood | Emma Russell
Contemplative Practices
A Blessing for Your Belly | Rebekah Vickery
Breathe: A Wild Church Reflection | Sarah Renee Werner
Reader Response Series: Introduction | Samir Knego
Cover Art: Under a Shady Tree by Maura H. Harrison